All searches look for exact matches. So if you search for "Ian Fidance" you're not going to get episodes that have "Ian finance" in their transcripts.
Case does not matter so "come town" will return results for "Come Town".
Searches can be broken up to look for multiple topics using '+' i.e "five dollar bill + orthodox". You can include up to 10 topics in your search, all topics need to be at least 3 letters long.
All leading & trailing whitespace is trimmed so " chelsea clinton + uber" is the same as "chelsea clinton+uber". If you want to override this, you can force a space into your query by substituting '~', so "~Ian~" would only return results that have " Ian " not "Villian" or "Ambian".
The context field looks for the first mention of the first keyword, so put your most unique word in your query first.